Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Following the Comet, again, along the Mississippi

Driving a motorcycle out west in the summer of 2009 I crossed a road with a sign that read "The Great River Road" I was close to the Mississippi so I brilliantly figured it out, but I had never heard of the Great River Road. We, Bill "Schultz" Schildnecht and I, are schedule to leave on Friday, July 17 at about noon. It is 11:30 am right now and it is pouring rain. Heading to Cincinnati tonight to stay with friend Chris.

1 comment:

  1. It is Friday, July 16th you maroon. Hope this journaling is filling the hole in your life where your balls once were. Tell Schultzy I said "hey" and if you clowns ever ride through K.C., look me up.

    Your Friend,
